Thursday, November 18, 2021

Camp recount writing 2021 Living springs

 Hi everyone today i am going to tell you about the first day at Living springs campsite i could only remember day one but i did what i remembered enjoy!

Day 1

As the sun rose up through my curtains and I woke up.My head was spinning in circles of excitement for camp.I ate my breakfast and got my overalls on with my shoes and socks grabbed my bags and off we went. After we got my sister cyan to her intermediate at kirkwood we got settled on the way to wigram i was excited to make it to camp but i did get a little scared i would miss the bus,but it turned out that i made it i was so happy that i made it.I went off to see Bettina and we went on the playground while we waited,we soon then saw Mya and rushed over to her and we waved as she came through the gate, we later saw Susan we waved to her as well after a few minutes the bus was here, we got our bags did the role got our camp manual and got our bags in the bus and we were off, after a few minutes we began the walk it took forever to get up the mountain at least we had a few breaks but after that my legs became spaghetti.We made it to the top which was a relief cause my legs were dying.the first thing we did was orienteering,we had to look for signs and figure out the sentence the sentence was you were made to make a difference,after that we had afternoon tea, later we did recreational activities my favourite one was the monorail although it was terrifying i was going down the hill in circles each corner felt like the cart was gonna go off i screamed the entire way down i was at the bottom i got the seatbelt off i was gonna help bring it backup but they said no thanks because there already was a helper.I went on the rope swing after, a little bit later i went on the playground and got suggested by Mya and Bettina to go on the zipline down the hill i went down and saw the zipline and people wanted the 100 dollars so they tried to scream as loud and long as they can i got the straps and helmet on sat down they then got the rope that was holding the line off and i was going i screamed loudly i made it to the end got on the ladder and gave them the helmet and straps, i then made my way back to the playground,later we went back to the auditorium,they told us it was dinner time so we ate dinner there was naan bread curry and rice i had the naan bread and rice tehari had naan bread and curry at least that's what i remember i don't remember what bettina mya and susan had, for desert there was ice cream yum we then did the camp concert i was really nervous we began our song after that i began to calm down now that it was over after all the auditions we did the auction i didn’t win anything cause people were yelling over 1000 ruru dollars when i only had 900, after that we went i the pool it also turned out the start of the pool was the deep end my head had to go under the water for my feet to touch the ground!i held on to the wall and went to the other side of the pool to see if it was shallow it was i stayed there most of the time then we went to bed bettina was apparently she was scared of the boogeyman when bailey heard that she said Oh MaH gAwD  the boogeyman is here! She was on the top bunk next to the door that was a little bit opened. She then opened the door and said oh no bettina the boogeyman is coming to eat you! After a bunch of boogeyman jokes and playing with the laila's frisbee she won from the auction or maybe it was baileys i dont remember i went to sleep. 

That is all i remember from camp only day 1 but thank you for looking.Bye